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Intuitive Readings

Experience Clarity

Intuitive readings, sometimes called psychic readings, are a good way to bring clarity into your life in a variety of ways. There are times in our lives when the path is not clear and we cannot get to the answers on our own. There are people in our lives that we have questions about, even perhaps about someone who has passed and with whom we need closure or to see the relationship in a different light. Perhaps a life situation or a career path is confusing or uncertain. 

Utilizing your spirit guides and divine guidance, I will help to answer these and any other questions you may have. 

When I began my hypnotherapy practice, at the end of sessions I began asking the highest good of that person to speak through me anything that person needed to hear to facilitate their healing. The things that came through were often profound for my clients. The natural next step was to offer these sessions independently. Sometimes people just need information, not necessarily healing in a more traditional way. 

How does this work?

I have always been “tuned in” to the energy and emotions of what and who  surrounds me. In the same way you turn a dial to tune into a radio or television station, I find the frequency of the client and connect to that channel. One thing to remember about all readings, by me or anyone else, is that each person has free will. A psychic will read the energy of the most likely outcome, but the person is always free to choose a different path. This is why readings are sometimes not 100% accurate.

Please have a list of questions ready for this session; this helps us to focus on the things that are most important to you. Skype/Zoom and phone sessions are available.

Fee for services is $100.00 for a 60 minute session

Other Services

Janice is available as a speaker for your gathering, retreats and/or workshops, and for group sessions. Please use the contact form to inquire about availability and pricing.